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Ellenbrook Podiatry offers a range of podiatry services. These range from the treatment of medical and functional conditions through to cosmetic treatments. Our extensive range of services means that we're able to provide you with the best service to help you get you confidently back on your feet, quickly and with the least discomfort.

Cosmetic Nail Treatments

We can correct disfigured nails (injured or infected) with Keryflex Nails. Keryflex Nails are made of a flexible polymer that can be moulded into the shape of a nail. They have anti-fungal properties, can be painted immediately after application and can be used on damaged nails with at least 15% remaining nail stock.


Cryotherapy (or freezing) is one way in which we treat warts or verrucae. Our skilled team uses traditional chemical methods as well as a Cryopen – a small hand held device that freezes tissue without the use of cryogenic liquids or gases, such as liquid nitrogen, carbon dioxide, or nitrous oxide.

Diabetic Foot Assessments

Diabetes affects about 5% of the Australian population with a global amputation rate of one leg/foot every 30 seconds.   Neurovascular assessments can be routinely performed to assess  your risk profile for secondary complications.  Our clinic also uses Doppler examinations to assess your arteries.

Dry Needling

Acupuncture , or dry needling, has become an important tool in treating many musculo–skeletal problems.  We have three podiatrists trained in the Western Formulary Method.  Needling is used as an adjunct to the many other therapies that we offer within a single treatment plan.

Foot Mobilisation

The proper alignment of the 26 bones in your feet is paramount to allow for correct foot function. Our team is trained in the osteopathic method of foot mobilisation to improve your mobility and to minimise the risk of injury.

General Podiatry

Our team offers all aspects of routine care. This includes nail cutting (including the care of ingrown and thick nails) and the treatment of corns and callouses, warts, cracked heels and more.

Nail Surgery

Ingrown toenails can cause sever discomfort.  We are able to treat these both conservatively and surgically. The procedure of choice is a phenolisation. In some cases more extensive procedures may be required to be undertaken by a specialist clinician, which we can refer you to.

Occupational Injuries

The workplace is a common source for foot and ankle injuries.  We are registered with all participating organisations to provide workers compensation treatments. For us to be able to claim under workers compensation, all you need is a referral from your doctor.  Our recommended treatment plan can commence following approval from the relevant insurance company.


Also incorrectly referred to as 'Orthotics', these are devices used to develop proper biomechanical alignment (caused from deformity, sport or injury). We are able to establish the need for such corrective devices using modern methods including scanning of the feet. We can then manufacture to your requirements using a  range of hard or soft materials. We also have access to a large range of prefabricated supports.

Photodynamic Therapy (PACT)

This is a more recent innovative approach to treating fungal nails. Using a special LED light at a special frequency, together with gel activators, we are able to kill the fungus within the nails in as little as 4 treatment sessions.

Physical Therapy

We also use physical therapy to assist in the treatment of foot and ankle injuries. TENS (Transcutaneous electrical nerve stimulation) and Ultrasound are two forms of therapy we use to help compliment your treatment plan and to alleviate discomfort.


Rocktape is a form of kinesiology tape. It is said to work by lifting the skin off the underlying fascial layers and then increasing the blood and lymphatic flow to this area. It can also increase the mechanics of the tissue movements and produce a neurological effect.

Sporting Injuries

Many sporting injuries are caused by either a traumatic incident or overuse. Our team is able to diagnose and treat a wide range of sports injuries including those that can affect the lower back, hip and knee, as well as the foot and ankle.  Once we have diagnosed the problem a plan can be put in place for the rehabilitation of the injury, which may include a number of the services we have outlined above.


Clean shoes go a long way to protecting your feet and making them smell nice. Sterishoe is a 15 minute treatment that disinfects and deodorizes your shoes.  It uses ultraviolet light to kill 99.9% (clinically proven) of the bugs in your shoes.

Shockwave Therapy

Also known as Extra Corporeal Shockwave Therapy (ECSWT), 
acoustic waves generated by the Shockwave trigger biological effects which lead to faster and long-term healing and regeneration of the tissue. Shockwave therapy (SWT) covers a wide range of indications.

It is used commonly for heel spurs/plantar fasciitis, tendinopathy of the many tendons within the foot/leg, patellofemoral pain, medial tibial stress syndrome (shin splints) and many other conditions.

Treatments are done 5-10 days apart with a minimum of 3 -5 sessions but can go for up to 8 sessions in some cases.  
There is a cumulative effect with maximum therapeutic effect obtained approximately 8 weeks after the sessions have ceased.

Swift Microwave – Treatment of Warts

Warts are caused by the Human Papilloma Virus(HPV). They can occur anywhere on the foot and can be extremely painful.  We use a wide range of treatment options to alleviate these nasty lesions.  We now offer the latest technology usingMicrowave Swift Therapy.


Onyfix is non surgical treatment for slightly curved or involuted nails. The process aims to straighten the nail using a gel bar that grows with the nail whilst straightening the nail as it grows out. The aim is prevent ongoing nail pain and the possible need for surgery.

Shockwave Therapy

Shockwave Therapy is used to enhance the healing of damaged tendons and muscles.

Microwave Swift Therapy

A novel approach to treating verrucae with an 80% success rate.

Laser Works by Photobiomodulation

Use of the Laser promotes the production of ATP –  an energy source for our cells.  This helps increase the healing rate.