Commonly (yet incorrectly) referred to as 'Orthotics', Orthosis are devices used to develop proper biomechanical alignment (caused from either deformity, sport or injury). We are able to establish the need for such corrective devices following a full biomedical examination where we study your lower limb mechanics and record appropriate measurements. We can then manufacture these to your requirements using a range of hard or soft materials. We also have access to a large range of prefabricated supports.
Orthosis are prosthetic arch support devices made for the foot. There are three types of orthosis – accommodative, semi-functional and functional. Each device will alter the foot function in a particular way. Accommodative supports are generally soft and are simply made to support the arch. Semi-functional and functional supports aim to change how the foot operates to correct and improve lower limb function. They can be made in many shapes, sizes and materials, depending upon specific requirements.
Orthosis have many benefits. Alignment of major joints and muscles is critical to pain free walking. A correctly scripted device is able to help alter the function of the foot and lower extremity to help achieve normal movement and motion. Orthosis can generally be moved from shoe to shoe, and can be specifically made to suit a particular shoe or activity.
Orthosis can be made from soft or hard materials. Rigid orthosis do not sacrifice comfort. Cushioning and a ‘soft ride’ come from proper function and correct design, not from the rigidity of the support. The body has a number of inbuilt functions to help with providing a smooth ride and promote shock absorption. Paddings and covers can be added to provide cushioning if required. The secret lies in choosing the right type of device for the individual and their condition.
We believe that the jury is out on whether computerised orthosis are any better than other types. At Bayswater Allied Health we are able scan, use treadmill analysis or simply cast in the traditional way. Your podiatrist will make the right choice that best suits your situation.
We are able to use these when required and have access to any device that is available on the market. We can use these for trials, or maybe the support required is such that a premade device is sufficient enough for your condition.
Here is something you should be aware of. Many health professionals are now providing orthosis. Please be aware that there are a lot of fancy options available. Orthosis are not just orthosis. Podiatrists are still the only profession that are fully trained in every aspect of orthotic design and manufacture.
Our head Podiatrist John is now able to offer customised Richie Braces. This is a specially designed ankle foot orthotic that is designed for posterior tibial dysfunction, drop foot and those difficult adult flat foot problems where a conventional device is not appropriate.