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Dr John Grygorcewicz – Practice Principal

Dip App Sci (Podiatry), Post Grad Dip (Podiatry)

Since graduating from Curtin University in 1990, John has principally worked in private practise. He took over the clinic in 1992 and also serviced the Wheatbelt towns of Northam, Toodyay, Goomalling and Cunderdin for just over 20 years.

John is skilled and experienced across all the major fields of podiatry. His current special interests are in the new and exciting  treatment of warts using Microwave Swift Technology, cosmetic podiatry and biomechanics. In recent years, John has also completed training in dry needling and foot mobilisation.

Away from the world of podiatry, John is involved in sports administration, namely with the Bedford/Morley Cricket Club. John has also played senior level football, has served on a number of sporting committees at executive level and has also coached junior and senior football. He has current roles with the Ballajura Senior Football club.  A lover of all sports, John obtains satisfaction from assisting amateur sports people.

John is available for consultation on Monday afternoons 3pm – 7pm, Tuesdays 2pm – 6pm, Wednesdays and Friday mornings 8am – 12 noon.

Rosyelin Ellis – Podiatrist

BSc Hons (Podiatry)

Rosy graduated from Salford University in Manchester and has worked in private practice and aged care. She enjoys helping clients with their feet problems including diabetic foot screening, general foot care and Ingrown toenails. In her free time, Rosy works on her veggie garden, spending time in nature and loves cats and dogs.  Rosy speaks Spanish and will be available for consultation on Tuesdays and Wednesdays.

Anh Hoang – Podiatrist

Bachelor of Podiatric Medicine, Current DPS Registrar

Anh returns from a small period away following the commencement of his studies in Podiatric Surgery at UWA.  Anh has been a long term Podiatrist of our clinic and brings a wealth of experience and knowledge. Anh will be available for consult on Tuesday mornings and Thursday afternoons. Anh loves spending his spare time away from work and study with his small family.  

Adrianne Grygorcewicz – Administration

After many years of being a house mum and working a few part time jobs, John finally convinced his wife Adrianne to join the practice on reception.  What started as a one day a week role has has progressed to three days per week.

Adrianne now manages reception and payroll, is proficient in the latest sterilization protocols and has helped develop our recent processes.  

Adrianne is happily married to practice principle John. When not running the kids around to their jobs, school and other outside activities she loves to read, cook and enjoy a nice drop of wine.

Anny Kovacevich – Administration

Anny is one of our part-time receptionist who has a background in customer service. She works at both of our Morley and Ellenbrook practices. She enjoys talking to our patients and making them feel welcome into our practice. Anny also loves watching movies, shopping and spending time with family and friends.

Lisa Haynes – Receptionist/Administration

Lisa loves talking to and helping our patients. She enjoys being out in her veggie garden and cooking. But most of all, Lisa likes spending time with her family and friends.